Donating $100 to charity i/o retabulation ?

So my score is just below MPS (band 9/10?) and like others, have considered retab. On Tues I thought its a stupid idea, Wed I thought whatever just go for it to get closure, today (Thurs) I think this is impossible, why bother, someone else just posted that they called CFA up and the lady said no one has ever succeeded and hundreds if not thousands get retab every year.

I thought, is it really worth it? And I mean, isn’t it CFA’s responsibility in the first place to ensure the scores are added correctly? Surely someone double checks things? And what are the chances of the scantron machine going wrong, 0.1%? But we all think we could be that 0.1%, or we know deep down this isn’t gonna happen but I just want to put this to rest and not have a ‘what if…’ hanging over my heads so I can concentrate on studying for next year?

I recall someone mentioning donating the $100 to a charity instead. Then this picture of a WorldVision catalogue that comes to your doorstep before Christmas every year popped into my head. I know a few of you have submitted or are dead set on getting retab already. For those who are still hesitant, what if…what if we just all donate that $100 to help get some kid a goat? Or get clean water for the village? I don’t know about you, but throughout this years of CFA studying journey (4 years for me so far), I felt I have been acting selfish at times. Not spending quality time with friends and family, leaving colleagues behind to study (or even studying at work :stuck_out_tongue: ) etc etc. Focusing on our own goals rather than helping others. Can we pool this money to a cause instead?

I tried to look at this from CFAI’s perspective too. Why was the retab service born in the first place? Candidates demanding for it? But they can’t do it for free or charge very little or everyone will ask for a retab? So let’s set it at $100…but hundreds still pay up nonetheless. On the one hand it seems like its easy money, but did they want to offer this service in the first place…? And…would CFAI rather have socially responsible candidates that would donate that $100 for a cause instead? At the least it does make for good publicity.

Just writing whatever came to my mind. Again, for all those in my situation, it’s been a tough few days - see you all in 2019.

It’s most likely not worth it. I’ve always been one to believe in karma so donating sounds like a positive argument to me but you ultimately need to come to terms with the failure. I’ve been there. Takes a couple of days. And when you’re ready, you can decide with a clearer consciousness (rather than emotion right now). Just my .02

If it makes you sleep better then go for it. I’ve retabbed eveytime I failed knowing it won’t make a difference except for last year when I failed with band 10 having wisened up. If you were close to passing then the marking process was right then. Just re-enrol and study harder.

Why does coming close to passing mean the marking process was right?

I’m taking donations.

Hey Keroppi3785 It was me who called CFAI and was told they have never had a result turned (EVER) with a retab and basically is to help candidates with ease of mind…! so I decided against it … So I guess if it helps you with ease of mind do it… otherwise I can see them not changing a Fail to Pass even if with a remote chance there was a mistake…because it would put the whole program and their process at risk and open a can of worms, imagine all the band 10 and 9s over the years would pour in demanding retab because once you admit mistake it sets a precedent. just my 2 cents… I just found some major errors in the new candidate resources as I was skimming through and called them on it and so personally I think they are capable of making mistakes on marking as well now that I see these errors but do I believe they would ever change a mark or admit to it? absolutely not *all personal opinion and not slandering CFAI just to be clear*

Think you just set your bar to mps + 2% next year with those comments…

No problem; I am planning on being in the top 10% next year anyway far from that god awful MPS line…will not rest till my mocks are in the 90s … bring it on CFAI … notice my sadness turning into anger… going through the emotions LOL

^Only 3 more levels to go through…



You got it hashtag, but I am hoping to skip bargaining and depression , although to be honest i think I went denial&depression together for a few days > acceptance&anger together now

^On the bright side, it’ll only make the triumphant taste of seeing the word “Congratulations” even sweeter in the coming year.


no doubt… can not wait until that day but first relaxing and getting prepped for 6-8 months of books and my RMT telling me I need to get off my ass and not sit at a desk 16hrs a day (work and study)

Thanks a lot NVan. I don’t think I will go for a retab after all. Just donate the $100 and call that closure.

Let’s crush this in 2019 together

Edit: Just looked up WorldVision’s website. $100 does the following: ‘provides treatment for 1 malnourished child ’ and ’ Provides bicycles for children living in remote areas’ . Sounds a lot better than sorry but your results remained unchanged.

Well done my friend, good Karma coming your way

2019 we will crush it… I promise you that…

Got a mail from CFA Institute:

Thank you for following up with me. The retabulation option includes both the item set and essay questions. You can find more information about the retabulation process by visiting While it is possible for there to be an error in the grading of an exam, it is highly unlikely. If an instance were to occur, we would conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause. To my knowledge there has not been an instance where a retabulation has resulted in the change of exam result to a pass.