LevelUp Level III CFA® exam Jumpstart Video Series (Sponsored)

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The LevelUp Jumpstart Video Series featuring Marc LeFebvre, CFA will give you a “head above the rest” Jumpstart on your journey toward passing your final CFA® exam.

Why do you need this?

  • The Level III CFA® exam is hard, 47% of Level III candidates fail. The exam is detailed, requires a constructed response and most candidates underestimate its difficulty.
  • The Jumpstart videos help prevent that “firehose effect” in your preparation and on exam day. The “firehose effect” is the information overload that occurs when candidates try to read the CFA® Program curriculum for the first time. Most did not use the curriculum for Levels I & II but know they need to for Level III. The candidate becomes overwhelmed, they don’t see the topic interconnections and get lost in the depth of the curriculum.
  • The Jumpstart videos provide context or the reason “why” we are studying certain material, they connect the concepts, they demonstrate the insight into the “why”
  • The videos deep dive into each topic uncovering details so important for best execution on exam day. The Jumpstart videos are NOT top-level summaries, they dig into every topic, exhibit, graph and example while helping you work through and understand (not memorize) formulas.
  • The videos also providing the candidate with a solid grasp of the concepts needed for the constructed response or item set questions. Details matter so use the videos to help you obtain that competitive advantage on exam day.
  • Do this right once and you will never have to do it again!

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