Which CFAI books to read first?

Is there a recommended order to read the CFAI books? Especially as we are so early in the process. I was thinking behavioral finance first maybe? I never dealt with real life portfolio management, my current job is more in line with lvl 2 material so any advice would be helpful.

I’m going in the order of the curriculum, except for Ethics that I put for the last.

Worked fine for L1 and L2.

For Level III, since a lot of the curriculum is related and similar topics appear in different books, I would suggest starting by the order given. (Ethics & GIPS can be left for last since on top of understanding the material, you have to memorize a good amount of things as well)

The reason I say this is because I skipped book 1 (Ethics & Behavioral Finance) and there are many references to BF later on in the curriculum. Had I studied BF at the beginning, I think it would have made things slightly easier.

Go in order. nice logical flow of material .

I will pass on ethics and go with the flow from there then thanks.

Roll a die.

Go in the sequential order with Ethics as the first and as the last effort. Dong in this manner you cannot miss the point.