CFA without Society?

Submitted my work experience and CFAI approves it, then a couple weeks later the local society denies. From reading previous posts my understanding was that you have to join both to get the charter (but can discontinue the society afterwards), so I figure my options were to drop it for now, or resubmit the period that I think is the weak link. But then a couple days later I get the “Congrats you’re approved” email from CFAI and the link to activate… so question is, can you join without the society after all? Or would I just run into issues down the road? Thanks

I did not pay membership Fee of the society even though I was approved by it. No problem in getting the charter as membership of the local society is not mandatory.

If you got the email saying you can use CFA… who cares? Screw the society (ya, down with that sort of thing).