Is every topic a fair game in the AM session?

Obviously there will be objectives and constraints type of questions but I was wondering about other topics and their structure.

So I was binge-reading through r/cfa on reddit yesterday and they have had two AMA sessions with a member of CFA Institute in the past year, on this topic he mentioned that Ethics has not been on the AM portion for many years and he feels it is better suited to the item-set format… but never say never!

Every topic is fair game on both AM & PM. When you do some previous year AM practise exams you’ll get a feeling of what is USUALLY tested; but be prepared for anything.

as a retaker i can attest everything is fair game.

that said, i have never seen ethics on AM

In 1999 they had Ethics in both the AM and PM exams.

In 2000 they had Ethics in both the AM and PM exams.

In 2003 they had GIPS in the AM exam.

In 2004 they had GIPS in the AM exam.

In 2005 they had GIPS in the AM exam.

In 2006 they had GIPS in the AM exam.

From 2003-2006, Dr. Evil was in charge of the CFA exam…