Schweser 2019 vs 2018 curriculum

Hi guys, hope studies are progressing well for you.

Did any of you came across Schweser 2019 vs 2018 curriculum changes pdf document? Somehow can’t find it anywhere this year.


You can look here.

I just got to Equity PM in the 2019 books and am looking at 2018 books from Kaplan and it looks like they added and deleted stuff???

Added : All things regarding Factor investing, Fundamental vs. Quantitative investing, Portfolio Construction, Activist Investing, Active Share, Risk Budgeting (contribution to portfolio variance, etc.).

Deleted : Components of Total Active Return (True Active Risk vs. Misfit Active Risk), Core-Satellite vs. Completeness Approaches, Alpha/Beta Separation, Utility of Active Return (although still in Asset Allocation)

Anyone notice this with Equity or any other subject? :angry: :angry: :angry:

Double check with the official curriculum again but I recall seeing lots of changes made to equity (for a small topic that only had 50 pages in 2018, yeah that’s a lot).

All four Equity readings are new.

I believe that they changed a few of the LOSs in Fixed Income, and there’s one new section in one of the readings, but they’re largely unchanged.

I prefer as FEW changes as POSSIBLE. Trying to pass this damn thing and it’d be great if I didn’t have to amend my existing notes and learn more!