Possible error, confirm?

Q: A manager wants to synthetically convert to cash $12 million of a diversified stock portfolio for three months. The manager will use the CME E-mini S&P stock index futures contract, which has a multiplier equal to $50, and the price of the three month contract is 1598.80. The dividend yield on the portfolio is 2.8%. The risk-free rate is 3.96%. To accomplish this, the best choice would be to:

A - take a short position in 156 contracts.

B - take a long position in 152 contracts.

C - take a short position in 152 contracts.


I thought it was B but they say C… why shorting, aren’t you increasing beta from 0.

You have stock and you want cash, so you short stock futures.

Ohhh misread the question. Though they had cash and wanted stock!

So it was an error.

Just not on CFA Institute’s part.

It’s usually one or the other!