Range of scores (volatility) of AM scores

How much of a difference is there between the 10th percentile and 90th percentile in am section?

Said another way, is the afternoon session really what makes or breaks you?

I would think the range on the afternoon is tight and the range in the morning is wide.

I was thinking the other way around.

No one really crushes it in the morning session.

That’s not true, there are people that crush the morning half every year (I guess you can argue what constitutes crushing it…I scored over 70% in the morning last year and felt that was a great score).

The thing with the afternoon half of Level 3 is that it might very well be the easiest part of any CFA exam. As a result, candidates do generally really well on the afternoon section. I think last year (based on where my scoring line was) I got 43/60 on the afternoon and that was kind of a middle of the road score.

Since the afternoon is easier, and easier to study for (since by this point you’ve gotten pretty good at answering CFAI multiple choice questions), most candidates focus on that which makes it very likely that scores will be somewhat bunched up.

Compare that with the morning half, where it’s easier to lose a ton of points due to one or two questions, creating a ton of separation between candidates in terms of performance.

It looks like there’s more dispersion in the AM section. In 2018, on the AM section, I scored what looks to be ~75% and was in the high-90% percentile. On the PM section, I scored maybe 75-80%, but was below the 90% percentile. Here are my test results: https://www.acelevel3.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Ace-Level-3_Credentials.mp4

Hope this helps.

Hey there, retaker here.

As suggested above, the scores are more dispersed for AM than PM, at least for 2018.

i am dedicating even more time to AM questions this year for sure :slight_smile: