CFAI Official Textbook Reading Pace @ 30 Pages/Day - Good/Bad/OK?

It takes me about 3-4 hours to read 30 pages in CFAi textbook after work every night.

How’s the pace for you guys?

edit: i’m about 440 pages into the 2nd book now.

imo, thats sooooooooooooooow as hell. But maybe you’re really grasping the details well at that pace.

I did a quick read and do all 5 volumes in about 3 weeks… Then I do tons of qbank, and now I’m back to reading it in depth but still faster than that. The 2nd go-around, I’m having a lot of “aha huh” moments.

How many pages can you read and grasp most details in an hour after a full day of work?

30-40 pages in 4 hours is definitely not 125mph…

Just finish the readings no matter what by the end of March.


Retention rate? Capacity utilization? I mean, you might do 100 pages per day with 0 effect.