FI benchmark selection...

Is this old material? The 4 risk factors for selecting a benchmark for FI portfolio:

  1. Market value risk: Interest rate sensitivity should be similar, which means they should have similar durations.
  2. Income risk: Income streams should also be similar.
  3. Credit risk: The credit quality of the bonds in your portfolio should be similar to that of the bonds in the index.
  4. Liability framework risk: it is saying that your index should have similar characteristics to the liabilities you need to fund, .

I came upon the above list on a 2019 mock but I cant find the material anywhere in the text… What I find instead is 6 other items for reducing tracking error from an index:

  1. Portfolio adjusted duration
  2. Key rate duration
  3. Percent sector and quality
  4. Sector and quality spread duration
  5. Sector, coupon and maturity cell
  6. Issuer exposure