Percentile Rank in CFA online test

What does the percentile ranking mean in the CFA online topic test? What minimum ranking is satisfactory? and what average score is good? please somebody explain it.

It just shows how you stack up versus everyone else that’s taken it so far. So if it says you’re 60th percentile, then basically you’ve done better than 60% of the people that have taken the same questions.

I would not suggest you measure yourself against that as it can be gamed in a sense as people could retake the questions and get everything right the next time(s) around and those results get collated with everything else.

If anything, I would suggest just looking at the overall score. Meaning you got X number of right out of Y number of questions. Look specifically as the individual topic breakdowns and see if there are any where you did say less than 67%. That should tell you to focus a little more time on that topic(s).

If you want to know a good overall average score, I would say aim for 70% or better. I’ve done these online topic tests since level 1 and find that they are somewhat harder than the actual exam, so to me if you can do well here then the real thing shouldn’t be too much to worry about.

Thanks THE_REAL_Black.

I am a re-taker, but last time, I did not attempt this online test. it seemed too hard that time, so i avoided. this time after reviewing all the curriculum book, BB questions and EOCs, I attempted this online test. scored 72% with 74 percentile. so in can think that i am in the right track with another 60+ days in hand.

That sounds promising. I think the 72% right is more important than the percentile.

Also, this would contribute to the percentile inflation unfortunately, but if you have free time you should probably attempt the questions again. If you don’t remember a question, then awesome solve it again. If you do remember, force yourself to answer it anyways and either work out the solution (mathematically) or if it’s more of a factual question then talk yourself through WHY the answer is true. I found this to be very helpful in reinforcing the material as the exam was approaching.

Many thanks wlfgngpck. will follow surely. I like to ask your suggestion about how finquiz mock is effective. should i attempt these?

No idea I never used Finquiz. I used Kaplan (which was hot garbage) and the official mocks.