CFAI 2019 Mock


I’ve been trying to find the 2019 AM Essay session on the website. Do you know where to find it?


Doesn’t exists

That makes it harder to find.

Check next year in Feb; actual exam will be there!

If you had access to 2019 essay, you would be in violation of obe of the standards

I dont really remember codes in detail now but how it is a violation if he found the exam on the CFAI website? Will it not be construed as public dissemination?

On exam day, you have to sign the front page of the booklet which says you havent seen the exam. You don’t remember reading that text on level 1 or level 2?

they posted the 2019 mock but this only contain the afternoon session. what about the essay mock, why they didn’t post anything?

Don’t know what you are trying to say, i am looking for the essay mock. Just wonder why CFAI didn’t post anything, they only provided the afternoon session on the website.

I’m going to go way out on a limb here and offer a wild, almost irresponsible suggestion: e-mail CFA Institute ( and ask them.

Then, if you please, let us know their response.

C’mon guys… someone help this fella out and point him to the essay papers???

than…504; CFAI does not release mock exams for CFA L3 morning exam because it provides you last 3 years actual exams on their website to practice. However I am also of the opinion that candidates may email to CFAI institute to provide mock questions to those parts of the curriculum which they have revamped completely in any year such as equity for this year and FI for the last year.

If you’re not sure where to find the old AM exams to use for practice, you can follow this link below, make sure to be logged into the site, not sure if it will work if you’re not.

If the link doesn’t work then:

  • log in into the CFA website
  • go to candidate resources
  • scroll down to the section called “prepare”
  • click on the link for “tips for taking the essay exam”
  • scroll down to the section called “sample exam questions and guideline answers”

You will see the most recent 3 years of exams to use. Just realize that not all questions and/or parts of questions are still relevant. IFT has a doc that gives you an idea of what is relevant for 2019. You can find more, older exams online if you search on your own. Just Google it and you will see.