Past AM Exams

I have the 2015/16/17/18 AM papers - and I’m wondering if you guys have any trustworthy resources on knowing exactly which questions from thos past papers translate into still being relevant for 2019??

Tanks in advance

IFT has an exam relevancy document available to download on their website. Just search for it on your search engine and it’ll easily be found.

thanks for the information.

Just wondering if these are trustworthy?

Looking at the Fixed-Income part, it looks like none of the past papers is relevant to this year’s exam - except 2018.

When I looked at the actual papers, at least partial sections seem to be related.

Ift is a good starting point. But just go in with caution some of the stuff that he says is not part of the curriculum anymore has actually moved to other parts. Would be best to skim through the questions really quick.

Lots of the Fi and rebalancing questions he says isnt relevant are actually very relevant.