Exam day questions


I am taking the Level 3 exam for the first time and have some questions for the exam day. I would really appreciate if someone who has taken the test before would be able to help me with this:

  1. Answer format/location in the morning: I have read a thread (https://www.analystforum.com/forums/cfa-forums/cfa-level-iii-forum/91295498) about people who put their answers in the wrong place because the mocks had a different format and the format itself was unclear. That thread is quite old (from 2011), so I was wondering if there is still an issue? More specifically, is there any difference now between how the mocks looks like (https://www.cfainstitute.org/-/media/documents/support/programs/cfa/level-iii-essay-questions-2015.ashx?la=en&hash=800D04E259A6B1FB170A384F4C35A1E79367C9C2) and how the real exams look like?

  2. Is there any issues with using pencils? According to the CFA institute, it seems to be allowed, also for the essay part (https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/about/governance/policies/cfa-answer-sheet-and-exam-book-policy).

  3. Is there anything else with the format/instructions that we should think about (not going into anything around the material, just the infrastructure around the test)?

  1. The exam is very clear on where to put your answers. Previous year AM mocks will show you the precise format.

  2. No issue with pencils. I used pencil on AM and was pleased with the decision.

  3. No. Follow instructions, don’t cheat.

If it asks you to circle one, and you draw an oval. . . God help you.

Topperharley, excellent, thanks for the answers. I won’t cheat~