Independent Contractor Work, Ethics: Boston vs MM

In MM PM Mock #4 Q#5, the vignette describes an employee that wants to do independent practice and informs his employer, to which his employer says go for it. The answer suggests permission doesn’t need to be in writing and quotes Standard IV(A): Loyalty.

In Boston PM Mock Q#3, the question suggests the a similar storyline where the employee gets permission for independent work but didnt get it in writing. The answer suggest it is a violation of Standard IV(B): Additional Compensation Arrangements for not getting approval in writing.

On the test, which one is a better bet? Seek permission in writing or no writing? I checked Standard IV(B) and it defines writing in the guidelines but doesnt specifically say that is required.

Both are correct.

For IV(A), written permission isn’t required since compensation isn’t involved (or not mentioned/ not implied).

For IV(B), written permission is required because compensation is involved (explicitly mentioned or implied).