Kaplan Schweser Live Mock #1 - g00d!

I have two of their live mocks as part of my kaplan package. The first mock was just posted on their website today. I tested the AM out… VERY VERY good. This is one of the best. Very easy to understand and similar to past AM papers.

Impressed! Much better than their regular junk mocks.

Check it out, I know quite a few CFA societies use them for the live mock in June 1st.

I am talking the live mock tomorrow in Baltimore. I’ll let you know what it’s like.

I really like how the test is written and feels very “exam” like… my only beef with this one… One of the 22 points in one problem dedicated to CORNER PORTFOLIOS… I would love for corners to be on the exam because its easy points,… but this simply isnt part of the curriculum in a meaningful manner anymore, to dedicate a whole AM problem to corner portfolio is stupid.

They must have reused that question…