Mark Meldrum Mock Exams

They really don’t give you a scoring key for the AM? Just provide you with the answers?

The minutes per question = maximum amount of points available. It’s generally 1 point for select/determine, 2 pts per justification, etc. You just have to think about it logically and you’ll see how the points break down for each question. Meldrum also posted a video explaining how to grade AM mocks under “Start Here”, and demonstrates AM exam grading for the past CFA AM exams and his #4 Mock this year. They’re filed under “AM Exam Walkthroughs”

Get the full question right, then you dont have to worry about 1 point here and 2 point there :slight_smile:

Thank you I didn’t know that it was explained

Ain’t that the truth!

I don’t even bother self grading AM exams a majority of the time, it’s just a waste of time. I’d rather just review the answers and move on and keep practicing.

My boyfriend works in finance too, so I had him grade a couple of my AM mock exams for me and that helped a lot. He called me on my bullshit a few times lol