working off during exam week

hi for all folks Level 3 candidates,

is there anyone of you cannot take working off during this week ?

if CANNOT, discuss the reason why you cannot take the leave before this important exam.

(4 minutes)

***skipped this item set***

The exam taker is risk averse and trying to minimize riskiness of loss of employment (sigma), while maximizing returns (which can be decomposed into earnings from retaining employment, and probability of passing the exam). He may also consider Standard IV, Loyalty to Employer, as the basis for prioritizing his duties to his employer over personal glory. Finally, he may also buy some put options or credit default swaps to protect himself from the (fairly likely) outcome of failing the exam, the distribution of which has pretty fat tails and high kurtosis. The market for this type of protection against personal failure is still emerging and subject to further research.

Lol @ tactics.

Why can’t you take some days off? I mean you know when the exam is, so plan ahead and book days off months in advanced. You also use sick days. There are people who don’t take any days off and it is doable. If someone took a week off beforehand with no prep vs someone working on problems and item sets for the past two months whilst working…who would you put money on.

N/A coz I’m unemployed


That is not an acceptable answer. 0/4!

That is not an acceptable answer. 0/4!