Time advice for AM

A lot of people wil struggle for time so I got a couple advice for those who might:

  • Before the exam starts, look at the minutes assigned for each section. Write total minutes next to each section. For example, if to first three questions 21, 18 and 25 points are assigned you should write right next to it 21, 39 and 64. That way, you can know right away at any point in time whether you are lagging behind.

  • Once you start the exam, do not dwell on those questions you are unsure of. You either start writing immediately (or a little bit of thinking so you do not rush) or you move on. Chances are, you will lose all points on questions you have a hard time to think of solution immediately so it would be more prudent to try to get them once you complete everything you are certain of.

  • Always be wary of time, no excuses!