Email to report exam questions that you feel had error/mistake

Had an issue with a question or feel you saw an error? Send an email to with the following information. Your first name , last name , test center code , level , session (morning or afternoon) and description of possible error. Please provide the question number , if possible.

Since no specific question can be discussed , I spotted at least 1Qs. in the PM, annual PMT and quarterly PMT were same. Do not know if I were correct

you guys think so?

i always think that CFAI didnt make any mistake in making the questions and just think that it was just me that didnt know the topic

I am not sure if it got me anywhere. but I submitted one last year because a question asked you to do something that didn’t match the LOS. IIRC the LOS was to describe, but the question required a calculation.

There was one question in the PM where I kept getting an answer that was a multiple of one of the available answers. Tried calculating it a number of different ways but kept getting the same answer so decided to put this down on the answer sheet. Assumed I had read something incorrectly but did wonder if CFAI had made a mistake…

FWIW, I am going to submit one about an ethics question. I think it was in the second item set.

You guys go ahead. I’ll gladly be the free rider of activist candidate actions.

I hate that I enjoy all these L3 puns

i agree 100%. There was a big time LOS discrepancy for L2 last year.

What did they say

I don’t think that the LOS are “written in stone”. Basically, the entire material is fair game…LOSs are just there to guide you. So, changing “explain” to “calculate” is not a mistake.

Disclamer: I am not 100% sure.