So how the 'bleep' does this scoring work again?

Pretty comfy after the exam, hope y’all feel the same.

So how does the scoring work, and what is the passing grade. I still don’t really get that…

They sort all the takers, then the half passes?

This method :

  • Modified Angoff Method (item-centered): Subject matter experts (SMEs) are generally briefed on the Angoff method and allowed to take the test with the performance levels in mind. SMEs are then asked to provide estimates for each question of the proportion of borderline or “minimally acceptable” participants that they would expect to get the question correct. The estimates are generally in p-value type form (e.g., 0.6 for item 1: 60% of borderline passing participants would get this question correct). Several rounds are generally conducted with SMEs allowed to modify their estimates given different types of information (e.g., actual participant performance information on each question, other SME estimates, etc.). The final determination of the cut score is then made (e.g., by averaging estimates or taking the median). This method is generally used with multiple-choice questions.

cant wait for August and the tell-tale signs anyone would just bring to the table. :neutral_face: