Passed L2 10 years ago

Passed L1, L2 without fails… I failed L3 many times (highest on band 9) and have given up for awhile. I’m not even an analyst anymore; financial crisis had hit me very hard. Now Im just a developer writing some codes at a HF.

However, I want to try 2020 again. The past exams I’ve done poorly in the written portion and never knew why.

I’d like to hear some advice. (And I’m not here to discourage those who passed and taking it for first time)

I would sign up for ego reasons… You probably already know big part of the material and will need a lot less than 300hrs, and the $ cost is not high, the expected value of trying again might be positive

You should try Level Up boot camp… You tried everything already… might as well try blowing $8K and “buying” your charter…

JK theres no buying… u still have to work your ass off… if you dont know why you didnt pass the essay, I would suggest paying for grading services… and get like 4-5 papers graded.

Yeah I realized so much has changed. Never heard of level up, didn’t have people grading before either. Will look into it.

All I know is schweser but I’ve always have studied via textbook as primary. Looks like there are options nowadays!!

Seems like they increase retake $100? Lol

yeah totally gonna go for it again, I never knew why I failed, very much unbelievable. I just registered and I’m like, seems more or less the same…?

There also seems to be more study guides and services than before.