Order of study

I am only really interested in the thoughts of those that have sat LIII before. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but any inferences drawn from LI & LII experience, I can probably reach on my own. Also, I apologise if this has already been asked - I know there has been discussion on preferred start date, preferred study material/approach… My question is whether anyone has a view as to the optimal order to approach the material. I don’t know what is on the syllabus yet, but what should I take on first? My plan is not to start “proper” until I get back from vacation early March (I’ve just started a new job also and have a lot to pick up, so this is partly out of necessity). However, I think there is bound to be a fair bit of “dead time” b/n now and then (no friends around, nothing on TV, crap weather, etc.), and it is only rational to try to get some of the studying out the way then. So how do I kill time? I’ll have Schweser (+ CFAI, obviously).

Three months to study for L3??? How can you possibly cover all the material? Maybe I am just mentally challanged…

I started studying since mid September. So, I’m the wrong guy to ask for a 3 month study plan. Are you related to bleron by any chance?

I started early Jan. I started fron individual investments (SS6 I think). Then I did quant and econ. I left Ethics for the last weeks before the exam.

wish i could get away with only studying 3 months. that’s impressive if it works out in the end!

I remember Bleron from L2. No, I didn’t mean it like that. I fully expect to do 250hrs (hopefully more as I have 10 days of study leave), but i) my style is to absolutely kill myself for a short spell and, more importantly, ii) having just started a new job and picked up coverage of 2 (difficult!) sectors I am completely new to, I have to put job before CFA and hope for the best. I definitely find that my work suffers when I am on the CFA trail and I think first impressions will go a long way (i.e. further than CFA) to deciding the timing of my next promotion. In other words, I have a simple, single-track mind. Hence, I want CFA to be “non-invasive” for as long as possible. ------- I started studying since mid September. So, I’m the wrong guy to ask for a 3 month study plan. Are you related to bleron by any chance?