
How many questions in total are in the L III schweser qbank?

Are you planing to get one? I got Schweser 2008 notes from eBay for $150 and am wondering if I need to buy the Qbank from Schweser - it is kinda steep. $350 or so I think.

I have it but got the online version this year and can’t tell how many q’s there are in total, or for each section or anyhing like that. I was curious, that’s all…

CFAAtlanta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you planing to get one? > > I got Schweser 2008 notes from eBay for $150 and > am wondering if I need to buy the Qbank from > Schweser - it is kinda steep. 350 or so I think. Thinking of buy the Q too. 350 is steep, but sadly I'm thinking of it as a hedge to get the 50% discount for next year if things don't go to plan. Wondering if its too late to still get the Q, there's a s%^&load of more questions I have to go through thats more important (i.e. Curriculum questions, old exams, etc) Any advice appreciated.

just looked, 2376 questions, 2371 to go…

LIII, total 2376 questions in Q-Bank

I started doing them and find them to be really easy. Any opinions?

I’ve done about 1300 questions on the qbank and yes the are somewhat easy but I think they give you a solid foundation and if you put all that little knowledge together it really helps and puts things together. Plus I used the qbank for one and two and scored like 75-80 and passed on first try so it seems to help somewhat.

the Q-bank was much better in L2 than this year. The questions are just good to review your retention of the material but are not close the the CFAI end of chapter questions.

if you do basic q’s there are relaly easy. do only advanced and intermediate and its better.

I did not know that there were classification of the q -basic, intermediate and advanced !! I read the LOS and then do the LOS quiz. How do you get to the other levels? this is the first time I’m using the Q bank. Thanks in advance guys … this input helps me a lot.

go to the test management ‘tab’ (choice, button?) on the left hand side if you’re using the qbank online. then you can create an exam, choose the areas you want to be tested, number of questions, difficultly etc. and i just realized tonight, it also tells you what % correct you’re getting in each section, and the number of total questions in the bank (which i didn’t realize until this thread).

just good enough to reinforce all the main points of the reading… great as a memorization tool but i wouldn’t use it as the only source for review… better to go with sample papers…

You mean sample exams or concept checkers?

I am not too happy with L3 q bank… used both L1 and 2 and thought they were more comprehensive. Seems like they are slacking… dont feel like I am getting my money’s worth…

i used stalla and schweser Qbanks- for L1 and L2 my only problem was they claim to have over couple thousand Qs but after sometime the software asks the same questions over and over again…do they still have the same problem???

if they ask the same questions again and again t hat’s your fault - they have buttons you can click to eliminate previously asked/incorrect questions. and they do have thousands - level 1 was just under 4000 when i took it, level two was mid 3000’s. this time its slightly over 2000. the reason with LIII it might not feel like you’re getting your moneys’ worth (two posts above) is that the LIII is a different beast. Its not a memorize a formula and plug it in to get the right answer (although there are dimensions of that in this level). this level is more comprehensive in terms of taking a definition and applying it to a situation which makes it feel like schweser is less comprehensive and also why everyone recommends both CFAI questions and schweser q’s.

i remember i did it but it didn’t work somehow, especially for the practice tests the software created. Anyways I’d like to have schweser Qbank, but it’s too expensive for me. I’ll buy all CFAI sample exams starting next week+questions from recommended books. btw thanks for telling me how L3 is a different beast, i’ll def take it into account in my future studies

if you can only afford either CFAI exams or schweser - no question - CFAI - much more comprehensive than schweser and good call on only buying those. Schweser this time around is a ‘nice to have’; unlike LI & II where i found it to be a more than adequate replacement. anyways…just some thinking outloud for those who are listening, haha.

feedback always appreciated, you take your time and write, thanks! That’s why I love AF. This is very valuable. the thing is i’m always fascinated when someone uses “beast” for the CFA exams, it was for L2 when I first heard the “B” word. Then it quickly became my fav word to describe L2 to the people who were writing the the test for the first time(Of course I had already passed at that time;-). Now you and I couldn’t help dropping a line on it. This is just off the grill for fun reading: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120614130030156085.html?mod=home_we_banner_left Keep sharing and good luck!