I am starting today....

Can I still pass?? Something came up, and I didn’t study…a little procracination as well… but i still want to pass!! objectively, is it possible?

btw, im in boston. looking for study partners.

Yes, you can. Depends on how serious you are about it and if you are willing to put in the time required.

Yes, you can - I’ll repeat my plan that I’ve posted to a few other people asking the same question as you. I’ve never started studying for any of these exams until mid-March (started for L3 last night) and it’s worked fine. I work in a PM role fulltime, so maybe the role helps, but I wasn’t in this role for L2. Anyway - I squeeze in several hours on weekdays (not Fri of course, since I gotta have a life) and 7-8 hours on the weekends. This leaves 1 day off on Friday and time for other things on the weekends. I also take a week away from the office. This plan has worked well for me… I get to cover everything and don’t cut corners… it provides much much more than the recommended amount of time. If I started any earlier I’d forget things by now.

Ok! Thanks! That’s very encouraging. I actually just got a new job…the hours are not that bad, but it is pretty demanding. For level I, I didn’t study much at all. For level II, I studied sooo much… To a point, I skipped last year, just because I didn’t want to put in that kind of hours 2 years in a role. Fortunately, I passed both smoothly… Now, level III…I’m starting today :slight_smile:

Yeah, I have already forgotten things that I read last month. So starting early gives you an advantage but not linearly so.