Need help please

I am getting started very late. So far I have read through the first book (ethics) and should be finishing up book 2 this weekend or early next week. This leaves me 4 more of the CFA curriculum books 1.At this point does anyone have any suggestions on what to concentrate on? 2.Are the CFA curriculum books going to be enough (i opted not to do schweser- bad decision?) 3.Are there practice test with these CFA books (I didnt see much in the way of practice questions) 4.Why am i seeing other posters who are reading CFAI (is that just the curriculum books or are people going back and doing level 1 material over) 5. Is there a seperate book for GIPs and how material is that going to be on the test? Thanks in advance for any opinions or responses. I am just trying to maximize my study time

If you can afford it, buy the Schweser - that is your best hope as (1) you probably do not have enough time to go through the curriculum properly barely once (2) and most of us are struggling with retention even after having gone through the curriculum. That is, you would need at least a second pass to get there. You have 48 days left. With Schweser, you can start now. If you go all out, you can finish the five volumes in about 25 days. Spend the next 23 days for the second pass and/or reading solutions of end-of-the-chapter problems in CFAI texts and/or going over some past exams. If you can, take as much time off work as possible before the exam day. And then pray.

dude if you go all out you can finish 5 volumes in max 2 weeks. (That is what i am currently doing for review)

^^Yeah for second pass, but for the first pass that might be a stretch goal and counterproductive. CSK, how many hours are you putting in a day?

Sorry for being such a Debbie Downer but I think your best chance is in 2009. Its too late to do anything about it now.

its all relative and you are the best judge…you know how much time you needed for L1 and L2. If you are a quick reader, I haven’t finished L3 yet, but IMHO I think L3 material is shorter but qualitative too. Lastly, some material is based on a general knowledge and basic concepts…so read the material once thoroughly - I would use SChweser (they may be able to ship it next day) but CFAI is obviously lengthier and more detailed… Sample questions , essay type, are on CFAI’s site, perhaps 2007 and 2006 will do…multiple choice, you can buy it or comes with schweser or try ebay… So bottomline, it is doable (if this is considered a word)… GL!

has anyone read both schweser and CFAI? are the concepts basically the same or do you think schweser does a better job of explaining the material? i have used schweser for the last two test but it appears, in my opinion, that they want to replace schweser with their own material and therefore i felt there might be a risk that the questions will be focusing on stuff that is in the curriculum but not in schweser

There is no doubt the CFAI readings are more comprehensive, but you may not have time to cull the relevant material from the readings at this time. Follow CFAAtlanta’s earlier suggestion of going with Schweser now. If you find that a concept is not well explained in the prep guides, look it up in the CFAI readings. Good Luck. We all that need that :slight_smile: