Did you hear about the Inger's?

they had a catastrophic event and they went bankrupt…HA-ha never liked Hans to begin with

Hans is now trading crack spreads.

I heard Hans went naked on a handful of positions and ended up losing his shirt…he should’ve mastered beta instead.

In order to pay for his law suit Hans tried to move a kilo of coke was caught and is now a bitch in prison, Christine got sued for ripping off artists and is turning tricks outside on skid row. You have to come up 2 requirements and six constraints for both. (24 minutes)

Can we say 4th hour on IPS already today? Can we say it is 75 degrees outside and this is killing me?

is the inger’s case really worth looking over ? … everytime i flip the pages, i seem to lack the strength to sit through pages and pages about family of the year

I am working on the CFAI questions and practice exam questions…but I had to give up on the problems for a while and have now shifted to Fixed Income SS8 and SS9 which will be 10-20% of the exam. I will kill the Unger family once and for all tomorrow morning!!! Hans you non-driving bastard you better dust the old resume off

Are the Inger’s from Iceland?

I may be ready to return to pick up the ashes of the Inger portfolio after reading fixed income for 2 hours IPS will be huge on the test…agreed?