Drafting Answers

Easy question for those who have already taken Level 3. In the morning session: Are you given draft sheets of paper to draft your answers before writing them on the provided boxes? If not, where do you the calculations and the drafting of the answers? Thanks.

No. Drafting answers would be a waste of time. If you screw up, line it out and start over. The graders ignore lined-out stuff.

Right - Make sure that a grader can easily find your answer. If there are two answers and it’s not clear which is the real answer, you will almost certainly lose all the points (it’s a grading review issue). Cross-out the work you want disregarded and put a nice box around the answer you want graded.

no time for drafting, just cross out what you think is wrong I underligned important points & key calcs and boxed in all final answers

Thanks Joey and Bambi for your comments, always helpful.