Writing Question

Quick Q if there is a template, we write answers in the box but what about those questions that have no boxes…do we write in the space provided betweeen the questions or on some blank paper? thanks

I guess they will tell us on the exam… I think you can write right there, below the question…

What happens if you run out of room in the box? or if you just want to scratch it out and start over?

is it the answer outside the box will not be graded? What if I crossed out something in the box and end up with no space to write?

After writing a few AM practice exams there is no doubt: I am writing in pencil or erasable ink (that Pentech Liquid Graphite discussion I had earlier). I am erasing and rewriting so much stuff that there’s no way I could do it in pen. And if you circle an answer in one column and want to change it later… much better if you have somethin gyou can erase.

Oh, and I also bought some of these little things that go on pencils to make them thicker and a little easier to hold… reduces writers cramp. Gee, I must be getting old. I never used to need these kinds of things.

I will write in pencil. F. That 0.9mm pencil represent!

Me too…I wrote 80% of my exams in undergrad in pencil. Should be ok