IPS clarifications

i see schweser says in text to honor willingness (try to educate/counsel) but some of their answers to practice exams say just average willingness and ability… seems inconsistent? of course, i guess the institute is the better standard. what do they recommend? seen a few people say the institute has NO post-retirement stage. is this correct?? lastly, one that schweser Q with the disabled daughter (and the “heavy partying” son), doesn’t it say they’re only going to take care of daughter’s needs while they (mom/dad) are still alive… stood out like a flashing red light to me. but then they’re talking about creating trust to fund her expenses, when it expressly said only till death of parents (which admittedly was very strange)… BTW, I JUST MAY HAVE MISREAD, BUT THAT’S WHAT I’VE THOUGHT EACH TIME I’VE READ IT.