Registered for FRM part 1 - Nov 2016

Recently registered for FRM part 1 in Nov 2016. Planning to use Bionic turtle for preparation. Any recommendation on which are the other books, I should refer while preparing for the exam?

I will just buy the GARP books, do you think it’s not enough?

what about shweser?

Hi Semsem,

I have the GARP books and though I think they are good for readings they don’t come with any practice questions so I’m a bit disappointed

Can I rely on BT alone without using the GARP books?

Hey Amanda,

Garp has a study center app on their site. They have an interactive test on their. Also, GARP offers a practice exam for free.

Hello everyone,

I have registered for Nov exam, have got GARP books.

4 books and in detail reading. i understand once you register for exam through GARP site they have one practice exam which you can download for free.

Good luck.

Had the option for GARP books but will go with Schweser for the time being. Can anyone from Karachi(Pakistan) help me with from where can I get BT study material?