FRM Part I/II May 2018 Early Tells?

In earlier years GARP leaked indications of pass/fail just before the official results date. Since results would be out on the 28th, which it is now in the asian regions, results, and especially these tells would be close.

In earlier years these ‘tells’ could be find in:

  1. Historically, whenever you were able to register for the same exam as you are awaiting results for it would be a bad sign. If nothing changes you would ‘still be in the race’ via

  2. On the GARP website you can see changes on the dashboard: An example is the message in the section ‘My Programs’. Instead of a message about the need to pass level 2 or 1 (for candidates) it starts showing something like Your enrollment will expire on ‘Some date’. Historically this strongly indicated a pass. 3. IN earlier years people that passed coud findt their name on the list of passed candidated via he following link: prior to the official results:!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-05-19

  3. Does any body have more tells?

Either way results will only be definite whenever you receive the official results. Nevertheless I can’t help myself to try and get an early tell…

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  1. One Box vs Two Box
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What do you mean exactly? Be explicit.

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Clarified some points in the starting post

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on the Bionic turtle forum the first things are happening. See the copy pasted the response below:

I just saw the following message (I did part I): Reminder: You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by May 2022. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate. This means I passed, right?

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Interesting! Got it. But you gonna make my day very long as I’ll constantly be refreshing my page. lol. Thanks and Good luck!

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Any level 1 ppl seeing their names?!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm1/2018-05-19

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Old list is gone…!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-05-19

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My name’s there. What do I make of it ?

Seems all the standard tells have been there again.

Pretty sure to have passed FRM Part II. Jolly good.

Why does your account say “FRM Passed Level III”?

I appeared for level 2 - am getting the message " Your enrollment will expire on May 2023."

And my name appeared in the link (!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-05-19) around 8 hours back clearly, now its not there. Don’t know what to make of it. Except that this link is crazy and used to display different results even when reloaded within a few minutes, even displayed nothing at times except a site “Testing” message they use - been tracking it since a week.

Yes, I am not able to register as it says “No exams available to register”

The results are out. You can check yours on the Dashboard page.!/myprograms

shows ‘Passed’ now clearly in My Programs… relieved ! If I hadn’t cleared, I would really not know what kind of mistakes to correct, except put more effort, so thats a relief as well…

I guess they resolved all the ITglitches this year…