6 Days Left for FRM Exam, What is the Game Plan?

Hey guys,

I have been enrolled in FRM weekend classes for the last 3 months, and I have been constantly studying about 10-15 hours per week for the last 3 month. I am using Schewtzer, and I have completed the 1037 questions from their Q-bank.

I have a main problem that once all the material are combined together, I am not being able to pull up all the information in my head. For example, I sit on a random practice test from Schwetzer and the first question was about calculating the discount factors, and I truly couldn’t even remember how to compute a discount factor and I couldn’t tell what part of the FRM we are even talking about! I am totally freaking out because the huge amount of information is not well established in my brain – like many of the questions when I read back, I truly don’t recall what certain terms mean!

I have 6 days left, and I have invested more than 400 hours of studying for FRM Part 1 and I am clearly not confident that I am prepared enough. I can not figure a way to tie all the information together again in my head during the upcoming 6 days knowing that I still have issues remembering formulas and practicing on some areas in the Value and Risk Models part.

Also, I want to know from previous FRM takers if the Greek Letters questions in the actual exam were qualitative or quantitative because all the questions from the Schwetzer Q-bank were qualitative only!

I need a game plan, desperatly - can someone help me out?



First, stop freakin out. The FRM1 pass rate has been >50% recently. If you’ve done 400 hours of study, you have a better chance of passing than most. It sounds like you have the Shwesser “Practice Exam Book”; I encourage you to work through both of the exams in this book if possible. The questions are really difficult and quantitative, but I found them to be a realistic representation of the exam. The Quicksheet is a good resource for making sure that you are familiar with the most important concepts and formulas. Work through the entire sheet carefully at least once, and make yourself flashcards for all of the equations that aren’t intuitive to you. You’re unlikely to be asked to do calculations related to Black-Scholes, but you should be familiar with all of the inputs, and have a conceptual understanding of how a change in volatility, time to maturity, the risk-free-rate, etc will affect the result.

Hi, i am also appearing in the exam in Dubai. first question: Have you been able to figure the test site in Dubai this time.? 2: the paper was though last year in NOV 2010 and i did fail… This time, i have spent some good time on studies…using question papers and online studies. Scewzer is Ok for me so far but yes the questions are very difficult. Need to know what was thre pass rate in May 2011 for part 1… Adnan. Dubai, UAE