Keynes: One Mean Money Manager

Keynes was such a beast and an interesting character. Apparently he was gay most of his life until he met an HCB Russian ballerina and then switched sides.

i think buffet/munger learned from keynes by avoiding excessive diversification…i had read in a buffet book he was basically graham, keynes and fisher rolled into one…

Yeah, those Russians can be pretty convincing. :wink:

i’m scared of russians, but russian babes are another story…they’re literally taking over hte adult industry and putting americans out of work…love capitalism…

Scumbag Keynes. Creates wealth for his clients through successful investing. Destroys everyone’s wealth by convincing politicians to debase currency.

keynes was the second greatest economist ever…government spending to help fight recession works…there are negatives but net net, its positive…

Keynes didn’t convince politicians to debase the currency. The politicians convinced themselves to do it.

Keynes advocated government spending to stimulate demand when aggreate demand collapses, but he also felt that government should be paying debt down when things are going well again. He probably didn’t advocate net debt of 0, but he certainly didn’t feel that government should increase spending and fund it any way they can at all times.

Politicians can spend during recessions, but they don’t like to tighten things up again once there’s a recovery. That’s the problem.

well put…

@Palantir, my understanding was that even after he met the ballerina he had some dalliances, but my recollection could be mistaken. I think we can all agree that he looks creepy as f&&k in that picture where he’s standing by the bookcase.

Have to disagree. I think that Keynes just got it wrong. Hayek and the Austrians were much closer to getting it right. Hazlett picked Keynes apart point by point, literally. Friedman makes some really good point to but I disagree with some of his ideas