Excel Macro to pull stock info

Hi Guys,

Apologies if a thread already exists for this but I am looking for a macro to help with stock selections.

I know there was the free yahoo api but I heard its disconnected.

Does anyone have a macro or direct me to a site where I can download a macro?

I just want to be able to put tickers and pull certain ratios I choose (p/e,eps,price etc). I want to be able to see this in one sheet to compare the different tickers quickly.

Also, if people could also suggest how they compare stocks at home? I use questrade, and the windows app is very slow and frustrating to use. I don’t dig too deep into selecting stocks (basic ratios, technical indicators for timing of buy/sell, and basic economic knowledge)

any help would be appreciated!

What you are missing is the keyword for what you are trying to do. It is called web scraping, Just google for it because there are dozens of scripts for web scraping yahoo finance data

I used to use one called SMF (stock market functions)


It works kind of like CapIQ/Factset/Bloomberg, where you can pull data using fomulas into excel.

It would be nice to know if there is a robust macro that scrubs the data and gives you adjusted ratios and industry comps.