Worst call you have ever made as an investor

What is the worst investment you have made as a private investor investing your own money?


…no bad calls for candidates or Charterholders? I guess it must be that the charter guarantees above average investment performance!

Waited on the sidelines for much of 2015-2018 because i thought the valuations were wrong. Now, Im sipping vodka in front of the fire place, but still i think the valuations are wrong. But im in front of a fire place so things cant be too bad

This guy gets it!!!

My best investment was made unbeknownst to myself when I was born in a rich Western country to well-off and caring parents.

Today, I’m sitting in the French Alps “worrying” about passing lvl3 cfa exam-> little worry in the big scale!

But my worst investment is the following: Not taking enough of risks in my personal life…not in investments, not in education…always choosing the “sure-fire” option was I knew it would lead to secure and comfortable life.

Not buying Ford at $2.

Not buying Ford at $1.

Shorting Netflix for a few months. Ouch. But I still think they are way overvalued.

GE 2018

I’ve been relatively lucky in my investments post actually learning. I don’t invest outside an index unless I’m very confident and have identified a clear edge. The first investment I made when starting active investing was an energy company. I had learned about the industry and heard all the good things. But I hadn’t yet grasped that the game is an expectations game and not whether it’s a good or bad business. I can’t remember the stock, since it was such a small position. But it may have gone bankrupt after the bottom fell out of energy prices. I am about to make my first hard money loan and I think there is a high chance that will go poorly. But we will see. And ultimately we will find out if OZK is a great decision or a zero. Bring it on 2019!

Nat gas futures in early 2009…thank goodness everything else killed it. I learned the hard way with commodities.

GE March 2009