Best Period movies/Series. Do you like watching period moving/series? Which is your favorite one? Anyone you recommend which isn’t in this list.

Well my quote is from #9, so yea. I friggin’ love westerns. Even the crappy ones. Unforgiven is probably my favorite, although sometimes I like to go more 70s with High Plains Drifter.

The list seems to consider anything that isn’t set in the current year a period piece.

Yeah I was a little confused by that. Also is fantasy a “period piece”? Game of Thrones is on there ffs.

I loved Game of Thrones, watched couple of seasons but got disappointed by the fact that anyone who is going to change the game gets killed. Kind of true…

there is one and only one answer to this question. the answer is Braveheart.

Kingdom of Heaven, Directors Cut (ONLY!)

Braveheart +1

Winds of War/War and Remembrance

Black Adder (1-4)


looks like the majority of these top movies are chick flicks

edit: well the top five are. Shamelessly I have seen most of them. Think I might have gotten lucky a few too many times during Pride & Prejudice Netflix and chill sessions. Can practically quote it.

Disagree. Only the strong survive. Everyone they’ve killed has been a weakling.

there is no match for Braveheart.

Gladiator is top of my list…

I’m somewhat partial to Firefly.

^ wow! Nice one. Highly rated. Set 500 years in the future after a universal civil war, the crew of a small transport spaceship takes any job so long as it puts food on the table. The disparate men and women just want to survive and maybe have better lives, but they face constant challenges on the new frontier, such as the Reavers – flesh-eating mongrels who live on the fringes of the universe.

Agreed. The directors cut of this movie took it to a whole different level.

I thought Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was amazing. Not too many great period films.

Yeah, I remember that movie…long time.

I don’t think weakling is quite the right word. Perhaps more appropriate to say they’ve all had a fatal weakness or flaw.

Agreed. I shouldn’t have… *spoilerrrr alleerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt*

…disparaged Tywin like that. Guy was a badass.

Does the “period” scene in superbad count?

If we’re talking “period” as meaning set in a historical past, one of my favorite examples is the film “Master & Commander,” which focuses on characters in the British navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The film is based on an excellent, 20-novel series of historical fiction by Patrick O’Brian. I’ve got the entire series on my bookshelf - read it start to finish twice - and frequently will select from them to revisit a particular adventure. I thought the film did a pretty good job of capturing the flavor, but of course the books are better, and I will consider them a personal treasure for many years to come.

Oh, and I also loved the movie “Superbad.”