US strikes Syrian Airfield

Well that gas attack against civs seems like a very unnecessary provocation.

fake news

So much for “America First”. I just hope that this stops at a show of force and not a long term commitment to overturn Syria’s government. Everyone knows how that could turn out.

Yeah, this. If he can contain it at this then I can be ok with this as a response.

I wanna hope this is just a political stunt to change the narrative away from the Russia thing and that we won’t hear any more of this now. It makes logical sense.

What makes absolutely no logical sense is why Assad would commit sucide by trump by ordering such an attack. I don’t believe it for a second.

What suicide? The last time Assad chemical bombed civilians, killing hundreds of people, Obama and some other world leaders just sent him a nice letter. Clearly, that did not even deter him from using Sarin gas again. Assad did not just bomb some random civilians. This was an attack on rebel controlled territory aimed at disrupting and demoralizing his enemies. He had most definitely weighed the threat of international response to the attack against his potential benefit.

The international peacekeeping community is probably weaker than it has been in a long time. The US has an untested and inexperienced government that is untrusted by the rest of the world. Europe does not want to exacerbate the refugee crisis, which has become a major issue in its own elections. UK has to deal with Brexit, negotiating all its international agreements, and will not take any risky action that could offend any country. So, if there was any time in which Assad could pull a stunt like this, it is now.

Trump sent a message today. America has balls again. I think that message will ring throughout the international community. I hope the psychological effect of this is enough to push the diplomatic piece that will lead in a positive direction. Trump is not a master strategist but he has some very intelligent warfighters advising his actions.

In the past, Donald Trump has stated the US *shouldn’t* bomb Syria.


I wonder if all this caring about the plights of those people will mean well bring in more refugees. Also amusing that we apparently notified the Russians before hand. Also curious what the legal justification for attacking the Syrian govt is.

you feel slightly more safe when you can be evacuated to shelter that can withstand direct nuclear hit

This was my first question - the responses i got included “so, 911 was an inside job too”. logically, this makes no sense from Assad or Russia and is a complete 180 to what got trump elected - the fact that we should not interfere with international affairs until our own problems are solved here in the states. I’m disgusted by this ‘tactical’ move.

The going meme is that its a false flag, meant to take attention away from the russia/trump connection.

Trump is gr8,

he is fighting all the muslims who have sucked india in terror attacks. Pakistan is a gr8 example of this, also you have to see what this muslims can do to a society

It seems his position on the issue has evolved.

Would you have preferred that we hadn’t and ended up killing a bunch of Russian soldiers too?

Kushner is running the show. NYTimes is starting to paint his moves in a positive light. Prepare for a bunch of angry rednecks,

shush kid. It is okay to spell out “great”

If you’re gonna go starting a conflict with one government, destroying one of their air bases, without any legal justification or declaration of war, then you are shooting from the hip. I’d prefer we figured out whether there were any russians at the base or not, then made our decision to hit with that in mind. Seems like this would just give more time for the syrians to get notified and get their valuables out of there. And if russia is going to be supporting a regime we are attacking, then our regime should make the price for such actions known. Now, do I support taking out this airfield? I don’t have an opinion on the situation, because I don’t particularly know what we’d replace the assad regime with after they were taken out.

Yes, let the India flow through you…