ICBM Flight Simulation

I didn’t realize how much was going on after the missile exited the Earth’s atmosphere. Facinating…seems pretty much impossible to stop, especially on reentry. Scary stuff.



Does anyone actually think DPRK can really pull off this complicated sequence of engineered events? I mean, best case for them is that they aim for the US, but miss by a few hundred miles and hit Canada or Mexico.

man this nukillar stuff is scary

its hard to miss the US, its pretty big country

That may encourage them to use a bigger bomb. The largest they’ve tested so far are about 20 kt, which is the same size as those used in WW2. Russia’s Tsar Bomba in the 1960s was about 60 mt , so orders of magnitude larger in explosive power. More recently most nuclear enabled countries have started using small nukes because of more accurate delivery systems. If DPRK is really inaccurate, the easier option for them may be to make a really big bomb or multiple bombs on a single ICBM.

Claim: " easier option for them may be to make a really big bomb or multiple bombs on a single ICBM."

Verdict: FALSE

Miniaturizing a single warhead is one of the primary challenges. NK just accomplished this, more advanced techniques unlikely.


Claim: “seems pretty much impossible to stop, especially on reentry”

Verdict: FALSE



Is Fact Check a real user or some type of bot that checks facts?

DPRK is unlikely to develop a rocket large enough to deploy a bomb even close to the Tsar Bomba, which was incredibly huge and required a massive airship to deliver. These could be easily shot down.

All NK really needs to do though is threaten the US and its allies with smaller nukes. Just one nuke going off in a major city today could irreversibly change global stability. Worse, NK could try to sell this tech to terrorist groups. Think complete isolation and mistrust among countries. This should never have been allowed to happen.

how does bs have so much time to run 5 accounts

obummer bleew it

Welcome back BS. I like this new schtick.

Yeah, it is obviously BS given the military focus and general black/white outlook.

On missile defense : correct my “pretty much impossible” statement to “extremely difficult.” That Lockheed link you posted was from July 2017 and, per the article, was the first IRBM (not even ICBM) intercept for THAAD. I don’t cover the space and you do, so you should know that. That is pretty cool though. I wonder if they have tested it with decoys, which is a likely countermeasure an enemy would employ (from what I understand)?

On NK nuke technology : so they recently miniaturized a nuke for ICBM deployment and that should give us comfort that “more advanced techniques unlikely”? If there is an active nuclear program then they will seek to make advances. The current state is not permanent.

I’m really glad we have President Trump in charge of our ICBMs as opposed to crooked H, amiright6?

this is the more concerning aspect. if they can’t get concessions from the West after they are a full fledged nuclear power, it seems like the obvious choice is to sell their wares to the highest bidder. if they could arm every pariah nation in the world, they’d be able to throw a hell of party.

my thoughts are that the DPRK is developing nuclear ICBMs so that they can conventionally invade the South and threaten to use the nukes on the US and/or Japan if a US coalition invades the North in a counterattack. it’s a no lose strategy really. the North gets a free go at the South with double the military personnel and the South can only push the North back to the DMZ. pretty smart considering their weak position. if the North invaded the South using only conventional weapons, I doubt Western public opinion would allow for nukes to be used in a conventional war for fear of reprisal.

Just as the NK nukes are descending upon us, Crooked Hillary will demand foundation donations before launching mutually assured destructive attack. Lock her up!

Claim: Fact Check is Black Swan

Verdict: FALSE


Can we call the AF version of Snopes “Dopes?”