Baby Front/Backpacks are Hacksaw

I refuse to use these things. Attention men everywhere: please stop. Not as bad for the mothers, but still a little weird.

Cool man. Next time you see me in the Wiss make sure to say that to my face, if you ever leave your couch. Not that most parents would care. Generally, kids use up all your f@ cks, so there’re none left to give to what some douche thinks.

Sounds like your kids are stressing you out, bro. I doubt anyone would approach you, you probably look like you are on the verge of a rageout

Drool pad and built in sunshade! Wow they really thought this through…

So what is the non-hacksaw standard for transporting young children? Have your nanny carry the kid while you hold hand with wife, or the other way around.

I found my Baby Bjorn to be quite useful.

Personally I use a drone

Not saying it isn’t useful or convenient. Just too neo-parent

I would eff you up analyst queer

go study instead