What Happened

Literally the name of Hillary’s new book. Did she start writing this before she even lost the election? I’m guessing that she takes full responsibility for being a terrible candidate and doesn’t blame it on sexism, racism, russians.

That is not “What Happened” :stuck_out_tongue:

Lock her up!

Almost forgot hpracers quote was real. Had to revisit this gem.


It takes an entire book to say, “I lost”?

They must be using a very large font, and very thick paper.

The only people who will buy this book are people who believe that Hillary lost due to FBI incompetence, sexism, fake news, and stupidity and racism of Trump supporters. So, the book will probably just tell them what they want to hear.

Just to be sure…

is it “What Happened” or “What Happened?”

punctuation (or lack thereof) becomes very important here.

I love how dems are like, “please stfu and go away.”

Sore loser. Sad!


Rachel Martin: "… you spent time in the book talking about the forces you feel were working against you. You also say sexism was one of them, but you yourself, in the book, acknowledged that a good number of young women didn’t vote for you, which is presumably not a sexist choice. They just weren’t inspired by your message. "

Hillary Clinton: "… I do think that for a lot of young women, gender is just not the motivating force that maybe it will be in the future. But then it wasn’t. The same way that being African-American was really motivating and exhilarating for black voters. "

The message of the Democratic party = We expect you to vote for our candidate because the candidate is black and you are black or because the candidate is female and you are a female. Forget about the actual issues at stake. Oh and by the way, the conservatives are the racists/sexists.

Now that she has no real influence to peddle, she has to make money somehow and no one is going to buy a 1 page flyer.

I heard that the book went to print and it was a typo, supposed to be What Happened? like why did this happen not What Happened she is going to tell us what took place

sex tape?

it’s just a tree stump wrapped in petrochemical soaked son of tree stump.


This interview is so awkward and painful to read. Hillary is so defensive and insists that her actions were correct, despite the disastrous election result. When the interviewer gives her tough questions, Hillary deflects her and with a series of replies that more or less amount to “I was right before, and I am successful, so I am right and this is all not my fault, and I am the champion of our beliefs”. There isn’t a sign of empathy or self reflection. She is a robot conditioned to respond in guarded political statements.



What Should Happen: Lock Her Up!

I’ve never heard a democrat actually describe that disgusting notion (voting for a candidate not because of the merits of their beliefs but based on the color of their skin or what’s between their legs) so flagrantly before.

Her only winning the popular vote and not the electoral college proves definitively that America hates women.