lock them up?


dont worry, their involvement will be downplayed. Remember the bush administrations millions of deleted emails on private servers? LOCK EM ALL UP! Put Jared in his daddys cell

Yup, lock them up.

I haven’t heard more than a two minute bit about this on the news this morning, but initially at least, aren’t they saying these emails were personal (i.e. they weren’t sharing classified info)? I’m sure we’ll hear much more about this, but that’s the “red line” for me. Sending classified info on private servers is borderline treason. Sending stuff like, “I prefer the red drapes in the China Room” is a bit different.

Im CERTAIN our congress will thoroughly drill administration members for hours in congress like they did HRC. Our representatives would never play by a different set of rules just because of their party!

You mad brah? Maybe try winning the election next time.

Not at all, just watching the hypocrisy in action is wonderful. It seems every line of attack from Trump was purely projection

This is all just noise. Trump doesn’t care about what people think about his email, since it gives his opponents no power and other than the power to circle jerk on left-centric talk shows. I think people should start to pay attention to policy, which is going to have an actual effect on their lives, rather than distractions that are manufactured to increase news viewership and befuddle audiences.

I dont disagree entirely but words and actions do matter especially seeing as how hard the R’s/Trump pushed on HRC about her email.

That said, their Healthcare proposal seems all but dead (although I am sure they will try to sneak another garbage middle of the night piece of legislation in) or have to wait until next year for that push.

We’ll see about the tax proposal but from the leaks I have heard he wants to cut most deductions i.e. a large tax increase for higher tax states increase the standard deduction helping lower middle income earners so he can pretend this is good for the middle class, while more importantly lowering pass through tax rates (as a gift to himself) and lowering the top & corporate tax rates. Again, we will see what the actual legislation is but dont think people arent paying attention.

Ending DACA and like three health care bills have now been met with fierce resistance and effectively put down. You can note hypocrisy and laugh and also do other things. Despite all this distraction and cover what exactly has Trump accomplished? Yeah you have your MSNBC wonks and HRC herself who can’t let certain things go and make headlines but I think people overall are doing an excellent job of staying on top of shit.

This 4D chess, Bannon, Trump crap is from earlier this year. Come up with something new.


Looks like people are capable of doing both, imagine that.

TRuMp iS a GeNiuS