Life After BSD

Anyone ever been to the top of the mountain only to wind up back at the base?

Yes. This is exactly how it feels going back to the plebes after the VIP treatment at Disney. Blackish did a documentary on it.

If Christie lost 50 lbs and didn’t block that bridge, there would have been a good chance that he would be President… Life choices…

Im pretty sure trump did worse things than the bridge thing prior to his campaign and got away with them. Christie may still have a shot.

Agreed, but when will america realize presidential elections are more than a paegent for physical beauty :+1:

The #Girther movement is real. Christie 2020.

I remember reading there actually being something like a 10% edge given to the more attractive candidate.

Christie needs to go gluten free :+1:

Oprah/Michele gonna be the winners 2020.

I remember our cio distributed a clip where he called out “progressives Gates and Buffett to stop telling people to donate and give and be frugal…why don’t THEY donate??” Then Christie was countered that Gates have donated $25.8 billion so far and pledged to donate 99% of his money in his lifetime. I bet Gates saved lots of people’s lives…Jesus of the modern era.

Gates has several genocides under his belt. Pure evil.

Yeah!!! I read that Gates waged some kind of war in the third quadrant of Andromeda Galaxy approximately 12,455,000 light years away from Earth to save the human race. You know the movies Thor and Transformers? They are based on true events. Thank you Gates for saving us, Earth, Milky Way, etc. Evidence??? nah it’s super classified

^ i believe it was in Sector 7 G

I read recently that if Gates kept all of his MSFT that he donated he would be worth 170 billion.

yep gates far richer than buffett. but imagine how rich zuck’s going to be.

Is that, like, 14 parsecs?

Chris Christie is just so fat though. How can we be sure that he could even make it through the VIP entrance, even if he were permitted?

You know that’s a good point, I’m actually not even aware if he even moves around on his own anymore. I was assuming he walks, but he’ll, he could just be carted around on a palette being moved around with a forklift, because his legs are so frail that they couldn’t handle his girth. I’m not saying its the case, I just can’t discount the possibility.

Chris, I’m so sorry for making fun of you >.<