Note to Canadians: Do not try this in the US

Chain of Events: Woman chases mugger into an alley and he hands her the stolen wallet.

That same chain of events, propagated here in the states, would look something like this: Woman chases mugger into an alley and he hands her… a knife to the gut and a few 9mm to the head.

Just my friendly guidance in case this article gives anyone the wrong impression.

would be best if she was hitting him with her purse

Verified Canadian. My pride at this moment compels me to belt out the anthem.

In the US, hopefully all parties involved would have exercised their 2nd Amendment rights to carry military grade firearms and would have solved the issue by firing bullets all over the street, thus avoiding this awkward interaction.

That’s actually a really cool story.

“Canada, the place where even criminals say sorry”

also, she should have taken him to Tim Hortons. would have been much more Canadian of a choice.

Winnipeg woman gives eggnog and gingersnaps to someone who robbed her house


If you don’t go to Tim’s you ain’t Canadian. But Tim’s is no longer Canadian company lol

This is kind of why Americans don’t have much respect for Canadians.

Because they’re nice? Empathetic? Lol I’m sure Canadians don’t give a shit what turd America thinks of them.

If I choose to ride Thuggin’ till the day I die Nobody give a fuck about us