With all the unemployed Art majors, this is the best the court could do?


The guy on the left is supposed to be Martin Shkreli? Also, do they know photography exists now?

photography is not allowed in some cases iirc

Thats a young Larry King or Rip Torn blowing his nose. Maybe the artist took one of Martin’s drugs to be true to form and painted this high… yeah that has to be it.

lol love that he was crying like a b*tch as he got sentences

There’s good networking in prison nowadays… Madoff, Michael Milken, Raj, a bunch of SAC managers… Good place to build your network.

Must be the same artist who did Tom Brady.

Image result for tom brady courtroom sketch artist

Milken came out still making billions like a rockstar, what a stud… one smart dude

haha that Asian guy is having a rough day too … always gotta capture the Asian guy to put things into perspective