The Left in 2018: Unhinged


The party of crime and violence! Jobs not mobs! MAGA!

The older I get in life, the less i keep caring about politics.

There was a clip from the ‘woman marches’ last year that sticks in my mind.

There was a group onstage and they were chanting F*** white privilege! F*** white wealth!

Not sure how this is acceptable.

Tried to find a clip of it online but to no avail.


yea it’s quite stupid. Imo people should just vote on self interest. I think I stopped caring after college. This one occidental dude who was my coworker kind of told me this. He was a football meathead idiot but I liked the philosophy and have since adopted it. Imo it’s better to trick the idiots to vote than to vote yourself!

I’ve never cared about politics.

But what’s happening in America is a collapse of their society, there’s no ignoring that!

There are so many such clips! The left are truly insane, but to put them in perspective they are just a symptom of the disease.

lol us is fine. i feel no struggles. i got no worries.

Bet they were saying that at the end of Rome too! :grin:

ahh and i gues the honduran caravan is the barbarians at the gate? its a grand army! the us became number 1 because there are no competitors around us. we always cleaned up after every war and were never economically harmed!

I mean, it’s all Righties mailing bombs, shooting up places of worship and driving cars into crowds…not sure what OP is talking about.

You know how the right works, its about how they feel. Regardless of what’s happening in reality.

I disagree. You can’t group everyone who is leftist into ‘‘the liberal Left’’. There’s a bunch of intelligent, thoughtful and great people on the left who are having seizures when they look these crazies running around screaming about safe spaces, unisex bathrooms and 150 yo confederate statues.

White men are supposed to repent and pray for atonement from the rest the world. These eight poor bastards are showing the way for the rest of us :

Eight Stories of Men’s Regret :

yep. my gf told me that dudes try to grind on her and grab her butt all the time. honestly as a dude, i am honored.

lol this fool at the bottom though made me laugh.

On one such occasion, I took advantage of the evening darkness and the jumble of bodies to grope the breast of a girl to whom I was attracted and in whose presence I felt intimidated, because of her beauty, intellect, and grace. It was a spontaneous, unpremeditated act — too public for me to have derived any sexual pleasure from it; too meaningful, because of who she was, for me to have targeted someone else. I think I did it because she seemed otherwise out of reach for me; perhaps such one-sided contact was all the intimacy I could ever hope to enjoy with her. And yet, with so many elbows, knees, hands, and feet flying about, I also recall making an instantaneous calculation: Maybe I can get away with this.

Two years later, I was on the receiving end of an unwelcome sexual advance when an older man with whom I worked invited me to his apartment for lunch. I agreed, innocently enough, but when I saw that he had prepared a meal only for me, I quickly realized that I was to be his lunch. As his advances became more and more aggressive, I froze — couldn’t move, couldn’t speak — until he unzipped my fly, took my penis in his hand, and pulled it into his mouth. The shock of that sensation in that situation stimulated a fight-or-flight response, and I bolted for the door. I quit my job that afternoon so that I would never again encounter that man. I went home, showered, and tearfully called a close female friend. But on that day I think I may have experienced at least some of the same emotions I saw on the face of the young woman I had groped; I felt violated, unclean, and disappointed that someone with whom I had previously been friendly turned out to value me only as an object of his desire.

True, but those people are classified as “right wing” now, by the leftists. So what’s left on the left, are the insane leftists.