too blessed to stress that's my manifesto! What is the worst time of your life?

teenage years - easiest years since you have no worries.

20s - hardest years, stress accelerates the fastest, struggling to find yourself in pecking order

30’s - accepting where you are in pecking order

40s - mastering your role in the pecking order, stress peaks

50s - highest suicide rate, where people decide to quit

60s - 2nd easiest years, all you do is appreciate life.

Should be retired to Thailand/Philippines in your 30s with $500k though.

Are you even old enough to rent a car bro? Lol

I mean you can learn a thing or two from these surveys. See the old people, even though they are stressed, they just relax and enjoy life. Money is very important when you have very little but not so much when you have a lot.

Can confirm - 26 years old here checking in. These are the hardest years of life, with accelerating stress, and no clue where I am in the pecking order.

Luckily, I have level 3 CFA exam to calm my nerves, and avocado toast to comfort me.

You can only confirm the first two buckets though. It might just get worse for you.

lol i’ve never really had to struggle. but i imagine life would suck if u have poor parents or you were bad at school. i got a buddy who was an advanced kid in middle school, then his dad died, and he startedto suck at school. now i think he is just valet and working at subway at the ripe age of 28. I got another friend who lived with his bipolar mom, he was in advanced shit as well early high school. then i kidn of got him to the party scene and he just went from virgin nerd kid to party animal. then he joined coast guard, got an honrable discharge for some weird video, became a secuirty dude and got fired for fighting customers, became a craigs list pimp. and is now doing i dont know in the deserts of california. very sad. last but not least is this dude who was from a upper class family, i think the dad racked up 250k per year. anyways we used to chill and smoke weed at his place during hs/college. but at the age of 29 he is still doing this shit. he doesnt really have a job. his dad passed away a couple years ago. they still live in an expensive ass place, but i dunno for how long if he wasnt taught how to be an adult. i think right now he is taking art classes at the community college. anyhow these are people in there 20s. i am sure if ur there at the bottom, it will really suck to see your friends doing so well.

My life has so far been pretty much smooth sailing. Then again, but what do you expect when you’re a Caucasian male born to upper-middle class parents in a rich western country? I won the lottery at birth so I can’t take all the credit from this success. Only way I could have fucked this up would have been to do something idiotic deliberately, like starting to do drugs, marrying the wrong woman or choosing Medieval Arts as a major in university.

I’m only through the 2 first stages (teenage years and 20s) but if my life continues like this until my death, I’ll die as a very happy man!

just fyi the 3 dudes are all white and they all fucked it up. lol

anyways my question to you, is how do you define a wrong/right woman?

Each phase serves its purpose from my view, currently in the back end of 30s. Teens is fun, but there is stress from the uncertainty of the future. 20s you kind of know what’s up, but there is stress on starting a career, establishing adult friends groups, dating, etc. So far, 30s has been great, main stress is related to obligations. If you made ok decisions in your 20s then the stress over those obligations is worth it. As you age, your current state of being is increasingly dependent on previous life choices and circumstances.

I think as I get older, keeping health dialed in will become increasingly important. That’s likely the main stress in 50s/60s…then all your friends start dying, which must really suck. I just kind of depressed myself with that one.

I’d say the right woman should have the similar socioeconomic standing with similar values and come from the same culture as I do. Statistically speaking those qualities have the highest chance of leading to a long and happy marriage. Also, it would be nice is she would be hot but I think the ROI on looks diminish in the long-run.

By far the worst partner would be some stuck-up gold-digger with a GED from night school who assumes that the man should bring home the bacon and provide a life in luxury while she goes to yoga or makes 20k (tips included) as a hairdresser.

But considering that approx 50% of marriages end up in divorce, it appears that we as a society aren’t that great picking the right partner though.

I mean who really cares?

Even if we live to be a really healthy 100-year old who does 10 pull-ups and bangs 18-year-olds you would die and your entire lifespan is meaningless compared to the entire human existence. This semester has been hell for me as I got rejected by all the 4 major tech companies in their very final round and the stress caused all kinds of problems for me, but at the end of the day, I will rot away after I die even if I becoming the next Elon Must or whatever.

agreed with scb. i think everything is really meaningless, what matters are future offspring, but even then 1 can argue that your dynasty will eventually die at some point point due to shittty heirs, or the world may end and we’d all be dead anyway in 100 years or in a million years. none of our hardships nor triumphs really matter for you, your ancestors, and your future offspring… lol im a really big nihilist which is why im kind of hedonistic, but irrespective, i want to do my best to build out dynastic power and bring honor to my family.

in terms of findign a good wife. i kind of disagree. id say beauty is actually one of the most important aspect as that is the type of shit that gets passed down to future generations. its important to remember that good looking people are treated a lot better and have a higher chance of succeeding. beauty is like hidden wealth, though your wife’s looks depreciates, there is some embedded interior value in that dna that you will see in your child.

socioeconomic standing or intelligence is something i dont value as much, as i feel i can easily make up for it and none of that shit gets passed down as its more of a crapshoot. whats improtant is that women tend to trade up when choosing a mate in this regard. men, on the other hand, dont really care about this. kind of funny right considering gold diggers!

a big neg though is race, having the same culture is not that important, what really matters is the race of either person. the best study with a larger sample sized essentially pointed out that asians in general divorce less, hispanics and whites are in between, and blacks divorce the most (black/black compared to asian/asian divorce about 8x more). whether you marry outside of your race doesnt really matter as much. for example white/asian has a lower divorce rate than white/white. asians are the best bet.

to me personally for a 30 yo upper middle class male wo children, i would rank the good partners in this matter:

  1. able to breed. children most important.

  2. hot. the only thing you can pass down that is important.

  3. have low expectations. key to a lasting marriage. (or a cheap divorce)

  4. kind person. so they are less likely to screw you over. (use money for the good)

  5. hard worker. help you to properly raise kids.

I kinda don’t value having children as much as most people. This is because regardless of what I achieve in life I just don’t see myself (or anyone else for that matter) worthy of deciding the fate of someone by giving them existence or maybe I am just running away from responsibility because I have entertained the idea of sperm donation in the past.

Anyways life is about enjoying it and trying to follow your passion at the end of the day no one really gives a fvuck if you existed or not adjusted for time. The more of a loser you are the sooner people stop giving fvucks about your existence. I really doubt that in 200 years or so from now (Which is a very small time scale) people would really care about what would have happened if Hitler was not born or not.

As a side note, most of the scientific discoveries are all done by standing on the shoulders of others so if Einstein wasn’t even born someone else would have probably made similar discoveries in the time frame he made his.