Woman tricked into sex with boyfriend’s pal exposes loophole in rape laws


TLDR version - dude did the Houdini and got off. (No pun ntended). The Houdini does not meet the definition of rape in Ohio.

Where is Revenge of the Nerds set in again?

not rape imo. her fault for not checking.

Nery, what if some chick tricked you into sex to steal your sperms? Then comes back with childcare lawsuit? Should this be illegal or not? Please discuss.

legal! as a dude, even if you dont want to, you should be forced to take care of your bastard children.

So people who are tricked into sex with strangers are at fault themselves for not following “know your customer” protocols. Solid wisdom here. Tanks buddy.

The accused’s lawyer basically made the argument that if you have consensual sex with a guy who claims to be an astronaut, it doesn’t become rape when you discover that he’s actually a janitor.

Though that seems like a pretty different scenario.

Devils advocate, he didn’t really do anything to trick her.

she was lost in lust, that is her problem. how hard is it to check. or to talk to verify.

anyways its a personal stance, i know most people owuld not agree with me. but i believe in personal responsibility.

a person who gets banged because of a roofie is someone that got raped.

but a person who gets banged because they willingly drank too much alcohol, is not rape.

Male or female drinks to the point of blacking out, drives a car. They are legally responsible and maintain culpability / mens rea.

Male drinks to the point of blacking out, has sex. Legally responsible, maintains culpability / mens rea. Apparent consent.

Female drinks to the point of blacking out, has sex. Legally not responsible, no culpability / mens rea. No consent.

I think these actions are sh*tty all around but its incongruous that two people can have the same BAC and the if one party later has regret the other party is now criminally laccountable because the other is not accountable for actions while intoxicated. Seemingly based on gender.

Women privilege

I believe the accused rapist was found not-guilty on all charges.

Seems that the prosecution should’ve tried to get him on a misdemeanor related to the initial unconscious groping, rather than on rape.

That’s fair.

what the vox says?


Did the boyfriend at least kick the guys ass? Also… strong “friends” that guy has.

situation is totally fucked regardless.

yeah, would have knocked out that dude’s teeth, no doubt, kids these days too soft

Surprised there’s no Nery story to 1-up this, to be honest.

lol my newphew who is like 3 yo had to deal wit ha 4 yo bully just recently.

my sister’s husband (white dude) told him to tell the teacher.

my sister enrolled him in jiu jitsu.

my brother (gangster) taught him how to punch

My dad (pretty violent guy) taught him to slap

I taught him to say dont touch me. and then follow up with a push.

anyways now he is apparently using his newfound knowledge to bully people.

lol we really fooked this up. but its kind of funny to see how more confident he is.

in that case it’s your own fault for not putting tabasco in the condom after. Personal responsibility