Elizabeth ”Pocahontas” Warren running for president

How many times will Donald bring up the ancestry debacle if they end up going toe to toe?

1/1024 chance of victory

It is pretty Sad that the Democrats haven’t scraped together a more compelling 2020 campaign package. Elizabeth Warren is the front runner for their nomination, but probably lacks the mainstream appeal and charismatic personality to win against Trump. Her claim of Native American heritage is embarrassing and her career vendetta against corporatism and capitalism is far from the foremost concern of most US voters. “Medicare for All” at this point, is too vague and conceptual, and lacks the emotional impact of other issues, like immigration, gun control, terrorism, taxes, etc. These hags and geezers are trying to repeat 2016, rather than invigorate their platform with an innovative new direction.

It’s 2018. The election is 20+ months away. Not having a coherent package for the 2020 election now is kinda normal. Trump just needs another money laundering tool, now that his foundation is gone. It’s not normal to have everything set-up this early.

I have no idea.

But here’s a good video for anyone named Codtrawler:


In 2016 Dems suffered the most embarrassing defeat in the US politics to date. We are slowly inching towards 2020 and Dems are yet to bring forth any serious candidate to face Mr.Trump. Tells everything you need to know about degradation of the Democratic party.

*Disclosure: I’m an old school democrat. However I’m not a modern democrat who would identify himself with a party which concentrates on petty race and identity politics and whether there are 2 or 6 genders and should each public building have a bathroom for each gender.

Just so you know, there are democrats outside of what you see on Fox news.

The modern democrats focus on: Medicare for all, the green new deal, campaign finance reform, ethics reform, and voting rights reinstatement. The modern republicans focus on: Tax cuts, entitlement cuts, and anti-immigration. For 2020 it’s not hard for me to pick a side.

I don’t watch Fox News; it’s not a major station in Europe where I’m based.

But while you’re at it, please name a serious modern Dem contender for 2020. Who will it be? Bernie? Ocasio-Cortez? Clinton? Warren? Bloomberg?

Then I don’t know where you get your opinion from on the left in the USA, but i’d recommend you diversify a bit.

It’s 2018, the election doesn’t happen tomorrow. There’s a lot of time to decide. But I’ll bite: Most of those aren’t going to run. (AOC is too young, clinton has stepped out of politics). I’d also add, Booker, Harris, Hirono. I’m not really sure which one has the best ideas since well, it’s still super early. There’s also probably a few more i don’t even know of. There hasn’t been a debate yet, hell I only know of 1 person who has declared that they are interested in running. Wait until June 2020 before you complain about the Dem’s chances in Nov 2020. Trump wasn’t taken seriously this early for 2016 and look how that turned out.

I really hope you’re right but I doubt it. Dems lack leadership. No real strong characters who would be able to stand up against Trump.

The fact is that tomorrow is 2019 and Dems don’t have a single strong candidate for 2020. Evicting the sitting President from the White House is a difficult even with a strong candidate, never mind with run-of-the-mill candidate.

Crooked Hillary should run again.

Read a ny times opinion piece in November in which some pundit claimed that her latest political moves point into that direction. Personally, I’d love to see whether the 3rd time is the charm.

Lots of these people probably have steps in place for the 5% probability that they will take some campaign action. You know someone like Hillary probably still has an office running her day-to-day stuff, including political commitments. Plus the Clinton IT division still needs to run, amiright?

Texas has two politicians that the Dems should consider: Julian Castro and Beto.

Edit - just to note—I’m a libertarian who leans more republican than democrat.

It’s interesting how much out of state support and news coverage Beto got.

You were saving this one for a long time. But still pretty funny.

A Biden-Beto ticket is a potential dynasty in the making. Beto can unite the left, and biden will crush trump with centrists. All those bizarre joe biden quirks will seem charming next to the awful human being that is trump. Trump’s base of Israel first evangelicals, supreme court religious fanatics, and immigration hawks are just too small, even with 100% turnout.

Biden is legit getting too old. Also, who wants to spend their last years in a mudslinging ugly campaign risking their legacy. I think Trump is his greatest defense, Hillary had her legacy ruined to “the lady who lost ot Trump” and even sullied Bill in the process. Even if you win, you probably come out with mud on you. I think anybody reasonable with stuff to lose is probably thinking about waiting a term. You couldn’t pay me to put my family through that, especially if I was already a high profile person.

Why Biden specifically though? There have to be like 20 Democrat Senators, Governors, or similar, who have all the same qualities, but not the political baggage of being associated with Obamacare or other policies that will galvanize right leaning voters. Nowadays, a long political record is a liability. Just look at Hillary - not one of her political achievements shone as positive to her campaign, but lots of things became negative, like Benghazi, emails, and so on.

It’s more of the fake pearl-clutching the right loves. Warren isn’t unpopular due to the myth of the ancestral claim, but something else. Why don’t we have the same outrage when Trump lies all of the time? This isn’t up for debate, Donald Trump lies more often than he tells the truth: https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ . Clearly the lies/truth doesn’t matter. It can’t be race since y’all think Warren is white and so is Trump.

Similar to Hilary, there’s enough propaganda coming from Fox that people think Warren is unlikable, despite not being able to point to anything particularly wrong with her. That this creates a false dislike, rather than something concrete.