Ivanka for President of World Bank ?

Latest move IMO to give a big middle finger to the globalist institutions.Probably at some point she is gonna run for president and this is a huge resume boost compared to having your own fashion line or whatever.Also none of the democrats really care about this issue at the moment as they have bigger fish to fry.


She can be nominated, but not appointed. Most global institutions wouldn’t blindly give into the nepotism of a criminal family.

Just add it on to the pile of historical norms Trump has violated in order to extend his influence.

i support ivanka cuz she’s hot!

I don’t know. I think the Trump family will conclude after this Presidency, that they are better off not in politics. They can already do pretty much whatever they want, and not have all the stress and scrutiny of being in the public view.

plus theyre billionaires

Such a weird proposition

He probably thinks the World Bank lends to property developers.

Has to come before a board for approval ain’t no way in hell she gets selected

This post has the familiar ring of…famous last words.